Thomas Hamilton was elected to serve a 2-year term on the USAR board, receiving 42% of first choice votes and 86% approval among active members who casted ballots. There were 93 total votes, so 47 were needed to win. Unfortunately, he declined the role. The votes were subsequently recounted as if he hadn’t run at all. The result of this recount is that Meagan Bown has been elected to the board and accepted the role. See the explainer spreadsheet.


Thomas Hamilton has been elected to serve a 2-year term on the USAR board, receiving 42% of first choice votes and 86% approval among active members who casted ballots. There were 93 total votes, so 47 were needed to win.

5 out of 5 proposed rule changes were approved with 65%+ supermajorities.

After tallying first choice votes, no candidate has a majority (47 out of 93). With the fewest votes, Clifford is eliminated. Voters who chose him first have their votes transferred to their second choice.

Bown gains 4 votes and Hamilton gains 7. One Clifford voter selected no 2nd or 3rd choice. Still, no candidate has a majority. With the fewest votes, McKinney is eliminated, and his voters have their votes transferred to their second choice.

Bown gains 9 votes and Hamilton gains 5. Hamilton now has more than 47 votes, a majority of all votes cast. Hamilton wins the election. Of the 41 Bown voters, 28 had Hamilton selected as their 2nd or 3rd choice. Only 13 didn’t select for Hamilton at all.

4.5.1 passes with a majority. 56 of 86 non-abstaining votes, or 65%, approve.

4.5.2 passes with a majority. 62 of 83 non-abstaining votes, or 75%, approve.

5.6.5 passes with a majority. 57 of 86 non-abstaining votes, or 66%, approve.

7.3.4 passes with a majority. 83 of 88 non-abstaining votes, or 94%, approve.

7.4.4 passes with a majority. 79 of 85 non-abstaining votes, or 93%, approve.

OVERVIEW (Archive)

For the 2024 USAR Board of Directors election, one candidate will be elected to a two-year term. All candidate information is below. Each candidate’s responses to questions are entirely their own; no response has been spell checked or adjusted. For the first time ever, this year’s ballot will include a number of proposed rule changes for USAR members to decide on. These are also detailed below.

Ballots were mailed to all eligible USAR members on Wednesday, October 23rd. If you do not receive a ballot in your email by Thursday, October 24nd, contact us ASAP. Ballots will close on Friday, November 8th at 11:59 PM EST. Ballot results will be announced on Monday, November 11th.

What are you waiting for? Make your voice heard today, and vote!


Josiah McKinney

Meagan Bown

Paq Clifford

What is something you intend to improve as a USAR board member? (1/6)

Thomas Hamilton

Josiah: I intend to improve the sport infrastructure across the nation, helping to form a more recognizably organized competetive scene for the sport. I would also love to help push for equipment standardization, which would help to increase marketability of the sport and monitzation.

Meagan: I want to better foster a sense of community from the ground up. Overall, I've seen a change in the roundnet community over the past few years and it seems to me to be losing momentum rather than gaining. Local communities could be doing more to grow, improve, and make the sport more inclusive of everyone. There's so much potential in getting schools more involved! (Think communities in Idaho and Utah)

Paq: Dedication to social media, rule changes, reaching out to sponsors to help fund our cause & providing new ideas and insight for the upcoming seasons

Thomas: Would like to help where I can, maybe a focus on rule changes and or a focus on local community growth?

Josiah: I bring effective communication, and a creative mindset; I love to be imaginative, and help use my story and experiences to help others. by serving on the board, I would be able to effectively understand problems that face the game, and help solve them creatively.

What strengths or skills do you bring to a team? (2/6)

Meagan: I'm not shy about tackling the issues that might not be as easy to talk about. Another thing about me is I have a massive passion for efficiency and finding ways to streamline processes without losing quality of the job. In both my job and my history with roundnet clubs, I'm a team player but my ultimate goal is getting the job done, and done well.

Paq: Communication, organization.

Thomas: Graphic design

What are some group or collaborative projects you’ve worked on recently, and what was your role on that team? (roundnet or otherwise) (3/6)

Josiah: Kentucky Roundnet Summer Series (series of tournaments in coordination with local communities and pickup hubs - running the oragnization/series and helping to communicate and form lasting bonds and community between areas) College Roundnet (Asbury Roundnet Team as a captain)

Meagan: For work, my role is to get the things done that are inconvenient for others. I'm the person who looks out for potential future problems and works out solutions beforehand. For an upcoming stream & youtube video, my responsibilities have been to book flights and lodging for everyone, book a space themed like the bat cave, find a batmobile to rent, hire actors to portray the joker & Alfred, and that's just the beginning. Essentially, I get things done.

Paq: Premier Spike Social Media w/ Taylor Sanford.

Thomas: BANG tournament, it turned out pretty well under the circumstances

What is your platform? (4/6)

Josiah: My platform/niche areas within roundnet are community development and administrative analysis. I can effectively plan how to organize communication channels and help increase the strength of the infrastructure in roundnet in the United States. I would be interested in increasing equipment testing as well as seeking productive change in the sport. Additionally, I have experience in Media and would love to increase strategies of media coverage of roundnet.

Meagan: I want to be able to be a voice for everyone, not just the top 20% of players in this sport. A new era of the sport is on the way, and I want to help foster a sense of community from the brand new players to the best. Overall, I am happy to help out wherever the help is needed. Let's make the community happy and hopefully see the passion again that we used to.

Paq: I’m interested trying to grow the sport that changed my perspective on life & ultimately created an environment for me to thrive. I want to give back to people what it’s given me. Social Media Marketing, Sales.

Thomas: I want to try and be a little more involved in roundnet outside of just playing, I would love to help the sport grow.

Josiah: My professional experience (within roundnet) includes starting and managing an LRO (Kentucky Roundnet Association), and trip coordinating for Kentucky teams going to the American Spikers League National Playoffs. I am currently an undergraduate student at Asbury University, studying Media Communications. I seek to use my unique educational and professional experience to help serve the broader roundnet community the best I can.

What is your professional experience? (5/6)

Meagan: I am the executive assistant to a Twitch streamer as well as a production assistant on commercials and film. For my main job, I manage everything from organizing streams to running personal matters, such as hiring household management and booking transportation.

Josiah: Competetive Player since 2022 Premiered in Columbus, 2022 Requalified in Livonia, 2024 President of the Kentucky Roundnet Association since establishment Ran tournaments and a tournament series Trip coordinator for all Kentucky teams at the latest Spikers League Playoffs

What is your Roundnet experience? (6/6)

Thomas: In art field mainly gaming and graphic design

Paq: Social Media Marketing & Sales

Meagan: I am the founder of both the Blazers roundnet club at the University of Alabama at Birmingham and Alabama Roundnet Association, which has since been on hiatus since I moved states. I have been playing competitively since 2021 and made pro this year. I've earned three pitchers so far in my roundnet career.

Paq: 2024 Spikeball Elite 2024 Coed Pro Champion 2024 Open Pro Player

Thomas: 7 years

proposed RULE CHANGEs

Exact wordings for these rule changes have not been finalized (i.e., they are subject to change), but the spirit of each proposed change is set.

shorter service time

4.5.1. All players must set both their feet centered over their correct position (rule 3.8.2, exception rule 3.8.4). Before serving, (1) the server announces the score to the receiver, placing the serving team’s score before the receiving team’s score, and the serve number (“first” or “second”). At this point, both players on the serving team may no longer step until the service. (2) Then, the receiver immediately verbally acknowledges readiness (i.e. within three seconds). At this point, the non-receiving player may no longer step until the serve, and the receiver’s starting shoulder height is set. (3) The server must then announce “service” (i.e. within three seconds). After announcing “service,” the server has three seconds to toss the ball. Any delays in this process are subject to a delay of game violation (rule 3.10).

Limiting TIme between faults

4.5.2. The server has two attempts to hit a legal serve. These two attempts must be completed within 30 seconds of each other. If the server commits a service fault (rule 4.6), the server has one more attempt to hit a legal serve.

No more broken sets

7.3.4. Equipment Misconduct - Any purposeful damage or destruction of equipment.

NHz defensive blocks

5.6.5. Defensive Blocks - a defending player may block an incoming hit back onto the net on their first touch while in the No Hit Zone if (and only if) the ball has not begun its downward trajectory.

justice for broken sets

7.4.4 Players are responsible for replacing any equipment they purposefully damage or destroy. Additionally, players may be subject to immediate disqualification following equipment misconduct, at the Tournament Director’s discretion.



Please feel free to reach out to our current board of directors via email. Voting closes on Friday, November 8th at 11:59 PM EST.