From a small-scale backyard tournament to a highly competitive, multi-division championship, anyone can host a roundnet tournament. To unify and advance the sport, we’ve designed a USAR Sanctioned Event accreditation process to unify the way events are run across the country and ensure a consistent, reliable, and high-quality event experience for roundnet athletes of all levels.
If you’re interested in improving the quality of your events, reaching and attracting more participants, or hosting major tournaments, we’ve designed this accreditation opportunity for you. Continue reading to find out how you can learn more and start your application.
For Local Roundnet Organizations / Communities — hosting sanctioned events continues to be a key differentiator for future USAR event hosting opportunities, including Team USA Qualifiers and National Championship events.
We require all USAR Sanctioned Events to be run by a USAR Certified Tournament Director (TD). To do this, TDs need to submit an application that shows they know our USAR Sanctioned Tournament Specifications and agree to use them when hosting USAR Sanctioned Events. These specifications ensure that USAR Certified TDs will be using proper equipment, following safety measures for the athletes, seeding the bracket properly, communicating transparently about prizes, and more.
Before you apply for certification, please carefully review our Tournament Specifications above. If you’re not prepared to host a tournament or event in accordance with these standards, your application will be rejected.
*There is no fee to apply, but applicants must have a USA Roundnet Membership.
Once you’ve applied and been officially accepted as a USAR Certified TD, you’ll be able to host USAR Sanctioned Events and take advantage of the benefits below:
We’ll market your events for you by featuring them on our USAR Fwango page and emailing USAR members about them. Additionally, we’ll include your events in any social posts we make about upcoming USAR Sanctioned Events.
Your events will contribute to players’ USAR Rankings to support USA Roundnet functions such the USAR National Championship, Team USA Qualification Processes, and other USAR initiatives.
You’ll gain legal use of our USAR Sanctioned Event logo. When tournament-goers see this logo, we want them to know that they can expect a legitimate, top-tier tournament, thus gaining you more registrants.
We care a lot about ensuring roundnet athletes have the best tournament experiences possible. If you notice a violation of USAR Sanctioned standards at a Sanctioned event, feel free to reach out to us and let us know. We appreciate your help!