We’re proud to release the USA Roundnet (USAR) Officiating Guidelines, strategically formulated by our USAR Officiating Committee. Throughout 2021, USAR tested various officiating methods to tailor the guidelines for roundnet while synthesizing elements from officiating in other sports. This document will serve as the basis for our Certified Observer program, a brand new credentialing opportunity for USAR Members to become USAR Certified Observers.
Self-officiation is a fundamental component of roundnet. However, whether you play roundnet casually or competitively, you know that making the right call isn’t always easy. Our USAR Officiating Guidelines aim to standardize an officiating process to help roundnet observers support and improve high-level sanctioned play.
If you’re interested in observing matches, we highly recommend you familiarize yourself with the guidelines for use in both USAR-sanctioned and non-sanctioned events. As we continue toward releasing our Certified Observer program, we’re excited to see observers at USAR-sanctioned events using our officiating guidelines to enhance the overall sporting experience.
Key Themes
We understand that there’s a lot to unpack in the USAR Officiating Guidelines. While reading, keep the following overarching concepts in mind:
Roundnet is a sport that is predominantly self-officiated
The observer’s duty is not to provide full justice to a game
The tournament director has the final say on assigning observers to matches
When possible, pair new observers with experienced observers to build experience
The USAR Rules provide the foundational knowledge for the USAR Officiating Guidelines
You can become a USAR Certified Observer in just three steps. Use the button below to make sure you’re studied up and ready lead the sport in officiating.